Letters of Reference

Letters of Reference

Information About Programs

Middlesex Terrace

To whom it may concern,
I would highly recommend the services of Robin Baratta.  Robin has been implementing art programs at Middlesex Terrace for the past 6 months.  Her programs are easily adaptable to include a wide range of competencies and they are incredibly cost-effective.  
Robin develops her programs in a way that enables the geriatric population to express themselves to feel empowered, proud and accomplished.  
She takes the time to develop authentic relationships with the clientele and staff with whom she works and she offers a variety of projects based on resident feedback.
I hire Robin 1-2 times per month for artistic programs such as: Water gun painting, pastels. printing and more.
She has truly improved our programming at Middlesex Terrace.  On top of that – Robin is reliable, punctual and clearly seasoned.  There is no doubt in my mind that you would be thrilled with the services that Robin could offer your facility.  
If you have any further questions or would like to speak to me about Robin in more detail, please do not hesitate to connect with me at the phone number or email address listed below

Respectfully yours,

Matthew Melo
Life Enrichment Director
Middlesex Terrace Limited LTC

Tel. 519. 652. 3483
Fax. 519. 652. 8733

Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care
21 Grosvenor Street/200 College Avenue
London, ON N6A 1Y6/N6A 1Y1
Telephone - 519-646-6100
Fax - 519-646-6148

March 6, 2015
To Whom It May Concern:

Robin Baratta has been leading art groups for residents at Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care for the past 4 years. Robin is dependable and professional, but more importantly, she genuinely cares about the residents, often going above and beyond for them.

Robin is always well prepared for the program. I particularly enjoy how she describes the technique and a little bit of history behind the technique she is using. Robin works with residents with varying levels of cognition and skills, and she is able to adapt the art for each resident. This allows success for all residents and they can be proud of their work. She is a cheerful and a patient person, which is very important especially as she works with a large number of Special Care residents. (The Special Care Units at Mount Hope are home to residents with dementias and behavioural diagnoses.)
  Robin is always well prepared for her programs, and can readily adapt a program that doesn't go as planned.
Robin’s projects are very creative, and ones that all residents can participate in. She is open to suggestions and attempts to accommodate requests where possible. She is also very mindful of the need to keep costs to a minimum. Keeping costs down makes it possible to have more residents participate in her programs.

I feel Robin brings a great deal of skill and knowledge to our facility. I've watched her grow as an instructor and would not hesitate to recommend her program to anyone.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or email me.

Jennifer McPhee
Therapeutic Recreation Aide
Mount Hope LTC
519-646-6100 extension 65144
Jennifer.mcphee   at sjhc.london.on.ca

March 2015

Henley Place has the privilege of having Robin come visit our home twice a month. Each time she comes she brings a new and innovative way to create art with our residents.  She makes the extra effort to ensure each resident in the group is actively participating while offering  positive motivation throughout the duration of the program.
The crafts that she presents adhere excellently to the skill level of the residents and Robin does not hesitate to make adaptations when needed and offer assistance.  The residents leave her sessions feeling accomplished and proud of their art.  Often they do not believe that they are capable of being artistic or creative, but Robin gives them the chance to prove themselves wrong and create something amazing every time.  We are lucky to have Robin come to our home so often, the residents truly benefit from her work, and she is amazing at what she does.
Lauren Costella,
 Life Enrichment Aide

Henley Place
519-951-0200 EXT 5311
1961 Cedarhollow Blvd
London, ON
N5X 0K2

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