Saturday, October 1, 2011

Residents of Saint Mary's and Marian Villa art program.

The focus of the art program I run at St Mary's and Marian Villa is on maintaining and improving fine motor skills, cognitive skills, and on pure recreational enjoyment.

The residents I work with have varying levels of physical and or mental impairment. I have prepared for each session, two projects of different challenge levels.

I passionately feel that the act of creation is as important to those at the end of life's journey as it is for those at the beginning. One only has to see the look of joy in the eyes of a dementia patient who is creating, to see the value of these activities. Often no other program has the ability to hold the attention of these patients except for their weekly art program.

I also have found, that the resulting 'art' is a bridging tool for families to connect with their loved ones in care.

"C" and "L" 's work

"C" and "L" 's clay reliefs.

"C" had lots of fun with a pallet knife and acrylic paints on this one.

I love the perspective "L" put into this painting, I feel like I'm standing at the foot of the tree, and looking up, way up.

Frank Stella inspired work

marionettes -body proportion study

"G" 's work

clay work at 6yrs


claywork at 7 yrs 
"G"'s Mom says: Our six year old son loves to attend art classes with Robin. He has so much fun with her. He can hardly wait to see what he will be working on next. She has a wide selection of medias (materials) and resources, which has broadened our son's interest in different art techniques. He often chooses the direction of a session and the one-on-one teaching focuses directly on his learning pace.
here we are 4 years later with a knife painted abstract .

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fund Raiser for Canadian Red Cross, Disaster Fund

Saturday, June 18th, 1-4 pm
At Robin's Studio in Belmont
Cost $25.00 per person, all profits go to the Canadian Red Cross Disaster Fund for the victims of the Slave Lake wildfires, and the floods in both the west and in Quebec.
The event:
This 3 hour workshop is for all ages and abilities. You are welcome to drop in for one hour or for the entire 3 hours.
I'm going to set up the canopies around the pond, if Mother Nature is unco-operative we'll have to squeeze into the house so pray for a nice day.
I'll supply the art material, and instruction, all you need to bring is your sense of fun and a willingness to experiment.
Please e:mail me or call 519-644-0546, to reserve a spot, space is limited
Edit June 19th: We had a perfect day for our work shop. Everyone had lots of fun and went home with a very personal piece of art.
We raised $100.00 which has been sent to The Canadian Red Cross to add your donation click here

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring classes

Spring classes at the Art Emporium This session we will be studying, basics of drawing, form, and value. There is a couple of spaces left in my Thursday night class. 6:30-7:30, starting April 7, and of course I can take private students on a more flexable schedule, in my studio. contact 644-0546

Wasn't that a pARTy

April 8th

A good time had by all

pARTy Feb 18th

Saturday, February 12, 2011

P.D. Classes

I will be teaching P.D. Day classes at the St Thomas Elgin Public Art Center, 301 Talbot St , April 8th and June 3rd. 9- 3:30, bring a lunch, and some photos. For information and registration contact the Art Center edit: the April 8th workshop was a blast, we ended up with the maximum number of kids (12), each child finished three pieces, and most want to come back for the June workshop. If you're interested in the June workshop better call the art centre 519-631-4040, right away!

winter classes 2011

Thursdays 6:30-7:30 pm, Feb 10 to March 31 (no class March Break)
This session we are studying the basics of composition through exploration with collage and mixed media.
Location: My studio in Belmont
kids 6-12, $15.00/class or $75.00 for six classes (prepaid) most materials are supplied. Parents are encouraged to 'play' too, for a $5.00 materials fee.
to register call, 519-644-0546, or e:mail

Kids Kreate during March BreakMonday March 14, Wednesday March 16, 10:00-12:00
Fun with paint, collage, and clay.
Location: the Hub 14090 Belmont Rd (Westchesterbourn) Belmont (Municipality of Central Elgin), Ontario
kids 6-12, $25.00 per session, materials supplied. Parents are encouraged to 'play' too for a $10.00 material fee.
To register call, 519-644-0546, or e:mail